Thursday, April 18, 2013

Links for Scoring Stocks

Under Construction

If you have the printed copy and would like to click on the link, you need the PDF version. For a limited time, it is free. Just send me your email address to and let me know the first two words on page 50.

Links for Couch Potato Version

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Upgrade from Couch Potato version to full version

Under Construction.


Fun and Jokes.

Hope some jokes would give you a laugh. If you get offended, you should check in your closest clinic esp. the humor department. It is not easy to write jokes that are totally unoffensive. Some  have been included in my books.

A + B
My day as a farmer.  A real story to be told to my grand children.
Diets that always work. Offensive to fatsos.
Politicians and prostitutes
My stupid name is Boris.
Celebration of Olympic Bronze.
Playing lotteries.

Part of it original.
Lady missing a flight
No Nativity Scene. Offensive to politicians.
How to save the airline industry. PG 17.
Lady missing a fight.

Not original.
They must have to be funnier than the last two groups to be included here.
Snow fall in Boston
Staten Island
Dear Employees
Dumb blonde?
The new student (very funny).
