Saturday, April 25, 2020

New chapters for "Rising China, Falling U.S.A."

The updates are for all books on China.

10       The end of mankind?

The possible military war between U.S. and China could bring to the end of mankind. Excuse me for treating this serious subject light-hearted. With open mind, let’s evaluate what would possibly happen with several scenarios. I will compare their military forces. If the military war starts, most of our wealth would lose about 80% from our recent peak in about Jan., 2020. It will affect adversely to the next generations to come as they have to pay for our increased debts.

I hope the war will never happen. If they discover the first virus patient is not from China, U.S. will not ask for damages from this pamdenic and hence there is no military war.

The root cause of the war

The conflict between the two countries started with the trade war. It is not just about trade but U.S.’s protecting our #1 position in the world. Our leaders have to do it militarily today before China is gaining more strength especially in military – you decide whether it is right or wrong. China is passing us in several technologies such as 5G and mobile pay. China becomes #1 in building high-speed train. Comparing to U.S., it is a small leak that would get larger. Our GDP per capita is many times that of China.


As of 4/2020, decoupling has been exercised to some extent. Our leader has asked our citizens to return from China after the breakout of the virus in Wuhan and our factories to be moved back.

Our leader wants to put the blame of this pandemic on China. Some of our allies have been convinced. We do not want to agitate China further now, as we need China to supply the medical supplies to fight this pandemic.

After the pandemic, our leader would ask China for damages. Naturally China would not agree. The world have not asked for damages for many similar cases such as H1N1 (most likely started in Mexico) and the 2007 financial crisis caused by Lehman Brothers.

U.S. may want to repeat the history of the Eight-Nation Alliance and this time it would be led by us. China today is not the China in the Eight-Nation Alliance era, during which China lost to the alliance’s military might and went bankrupt. China has learned this bitter lesson.

It is similar to spreading the word of “mass-destruction weapons”. It convinced our allies, and then gave us the reason to conquer Iraq. Iraq is no China.

Looking back at recent history, U.S. had not won a war when China was in the other side such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

Most likely the participated allies would be United Kingdom, Australia and Taiwan. Japan and S. Korea would weigh on the consequences on the economic ties with China. With very close economic tie, Australia would be a loser if she joins U.S. in this war. I expect most European countries would agree with us but not participate in the military war.

China’s spokesperson on foreign affairs has been more aggressive to our accusations than before. It seems China has prepared the decoupling. For example, Huawei’s new phones can use non-U.S. chips; it could be a big loss for our chip companies.

From trade war to military war

The following is what I expect to happen. I sincerely hope I am wrong.

China would refuse to pay for damages for this pandemic. A U.S. court would side with U.S. Then U.S. would freeze China’s assets and ignore our debt (1.3 T) owned by China. China would take counter actions such as freezing U.S. factories and investments such as MacDonald’s assets in China.

There are other catalysts. Trump would divert the attention if he is losing the reelection. Taiwan declares independence (not likely). The islet disputes in China Sea; it is not likely due to today’s very low cost of oil. N. Korea invades S. Korea; it is only likely unless the war between U.S. and China materializes. China’s water redirect project would cause India to ask U.S. for help; it is not likely that we will help India.

The next step is military. The first strike would be important to weaken the other side by destroying the war capabilities. Both countries have nuclear submarines and mobile launchers that cannot be detected easily. U.S.’s first strike would cost them a lot politically especially inside the U.S. China’s first strike would be less damaging to them as the enemies are at the gates.

Comparison of military power

U.S. is far more powerful in military strength. However, U.S. is further away from the battle field. The participated allies are not powerful enough to make a dent. Russia would help China, but she would balance the consequences carefully. Most likely Russia would not send military force until China is winning.

U.S. has full combat experience in wars as have been in wars most of the time since WW2. China has several brief, regional conflicts beside the Korean War and Vietnam War.

Today’s war is decided by technology. China has their “carrier killer” missiles and hypersonic missiles that have not been tested in the field against our super missile protection system. We have some hints on how good they are from China’s older missiles purchased by Saudi Arabia.

China has the capability to destroy our satellites that our smart missiles and missile defense systems depend on. American drones are more superior to the Chinese counterparts. However, China can deploy hundreds of drones each carrying a bomb simultaneously from their coast. The other tool is cyber weapons which have not been used in wars.

When the war drags on, China would be more favorable to win. Our citizens would not agree with any lengthy war such as the Vietnam War. Regardless the result of this war, China would be more united as a nation. Contrary to what our government expect, China’s government would be strengthened. China can supply their warfare machines / missiles faster as they are the world’s #1 factory. In the last few years, China also solves their energy supply bottleneck via the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative. In a sentence, China has been preparing this war for a long while.


·         U.S. and China settles the disputes peacefully. Both would declare victory. This is what I wish for.
·         U.S. and China settles the disputes with a lot of treaties and the two countries will be decoupled partially or totally. Both countries would lose trades, but lives will go on. In a decade or two, China would by-pass us in many areas except the military and living standard.
·         If there is a military war, it would last for a long time. The longer the war, the better China would fare. Hopefully it would be a brief war if it happens.
·         Both countries destroy each other. EU and Russia would be the winners. It is similar why we became #1 after WW2 when Europe was destroyed. There is a good chance that Euro would become the reserve currency and our USD would lose a lot of value.

China would prepare for the next war better. China would replace her legacy military weapons with up-to-date weapons and China would learn how to combat in a modern war. Our beaten economy (that is already in bad shape today) would take our military to the back seat.

It would boost the arm race and hence make the defense (or offense) sector for both countries more profitable. During the war, gold price would rise.
·        Destroying the world using nuclear weapons. Although China said that they would not be the first country to use nuclear weapon, but who knows when they are desperate? It is better for me to build an ark in Alaska.

I hope the two countries would settle the conflicts peacefully. There is no winner in this military war and citizens of both countries would suffer for decades.

From the expert

China military

11       The hawks and the doves

I am one of the doves hoping China and U.S. can co-exist peacefully. It would benefit my (and most likely your) wealth and living standard by doing so. For example, by decoupling, all the chicken feet will be dumped to the ocean instead of selling them to Chinese, who treat them as delicacy.

There are many hawks. Many work for the military or are retired from it. Without wars, they do not have jobs. Many work for the defense sector. Without wars, these companies would go bankrupt, even it is good for mankind. Most of our leaders want to flex our military muscle to ensure we are on top and boost their shameless ego. That’s why we have endless wars since WW2. Our huge war expenses should be redirected to improve our living standard and improving our deplorable infrastructure.

The media report what you want to hear. They usually demonize China so they can sell more stuffs. The following are my opinions. Take out nationalism for a moment, and determine for yourself which are right or wrong.

The following article outlined Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s opinions and I will discuss his points.

Mark: It will take to complete the U.S. drawdown (in Afghan).
Tony: Is this the reason we deploy our military to South China Sea?

Mark: And the Air Force described a flight by a nuclear-capable B-52 bomber over Somalia in February as, in part, a warning to China of engagement to come.
Tony: What do you think if China do the same close to one of our coastal cities?

Mark: the United States is in a new ‘era of great power competition,’.
Tony: China has not expressed ‘great power competition’. In addition, China has a non-interference clause in their foreign policy.

Mark: China that continues to grow its military strength, its economic power, its commercial activity…
Tony:  What is wrong to be stronger? Did U.S. at one time was getting stronger and stronger?

Mark: do the things that really undermine our [and our allies’] sovereignty, that undermine the rule of law, that really question [Beijing’s] commitment to human rights.
Tony:  That is our standard. China has lifted millions from starving to death in the last few decades. Is it the #1 in human rights? In addition, we use double standards. Do you believe Saudi Arabia and many countries have far worse human rights than China? We keep our mouths shut and our eyes closed, as they are supposed to be our ‘friends’. Which nationalists did participate in the 911 attack? Is our constant gun shooting at each other a human rights violation?

The article: in illicit business practices, including hacking and theft of trade secrets
Tony: Most if not all countries spy on each other and steal trade secrets. If you believe CIA is a friendly information gathering agency, you believe in fairy tales. Do you believe Microsoft, Google and any major companies do not steal secrets from each other? Should we blame someone for not protecting our secrets, especially those secrets on national security? Guess who is that someone?

The article: But none of it remotely justifies twisting great power competition into a shooting war.
Tony: I agree whole-heartedly.

The article: a U.S.-China war would pose a real threat to the American homeland.
Tony: I agree whole-heartedly.

The article: Our goal with Beijing (and Moscow, for that matter) should be diplomacy, mutual economic benefit and peace — not war.
Tony: This is my goal too.

Do you agree with me more or our ‘Offense’ Secretary more?

Monday, April 20, 2020

Not for prime time ("Rising China, Falling U.S.A.)

** Book 9: Not ready for prime time

These articles may need updates and rewrites. Instead of deleting them, I save them here for future revisions. If this book has a printed version, they will be most likely deleted to save some trees.

My conspiracy observations

Conspiracy theories are normally formed from the conclusion / beneficiary and then trace back to the incidents. Most have no proofs as the proofs could be hidden carefully. I have seen many from articles and YouTube videos. They may be not true but here are my speculation. However, you may be able to jump into similar conclusions when you investigate the hidden agenda and who benefit most from the actions. For example, has we landed on the moon. The agenda / beneficiary is winning the space competition from the Russia and it was technically impossible at the time. The TV video could be taken in a stage with different light source. In addition, the flag was moving and it should not due to there is no air in the moon. It is more for your entertaining and do not act on it without further verifying it.

On Security threat

Security threat is an excuse. Trump wanted to stop Huawei. If we do not ban Huawei to US, Apple will lose half of the market value. Is it a security threat?

About 20% of the internet traffic goes thru Chinese routers. There are many ways to protect our data.

A company from Israel demonstrated they can spy with any smart phone.

Do you want to be spied by a foreign company (Huawei or other) OR by your own government? Why Huawei would spend all the resources to spy U.S. citizens?

German found many backdoors from U.S. phones but none from Huawei.

It is about stopping China but not about security threat.

Russia’s missile system can shoot down the best of our drone. It is unbelievable. Have Russia and China helped Iran in these technologies? Iran is a two-edge sword to China. China may not want to offend us in trading with Iran. China benefits from the cheap oil. It is a bargain chip for China in the trade war though.

What is the real reason for Iran / U.S. conflict? It could be protecting Israel OR Iran not using USD as the currency for trading oil?

Iran incident
Most likely Iran’s drones attacked Saudi’s oil field and refinery. It has reduced the oil supply to the world by about 50%. It boosts up the oil price and Iran benefits.

At first one could suspect it was Chinese behind the attack as China could supply them with military drones or at least the drone technology. But, not really. Iran has developed its drone technology to be able to attack.

It could not be a bargain chip in the trade war. The U.S. does not depend on oil from Saudi as China does. Further attack on Saudi’s oil facilities could bring to a global recession. The U.S. does not want to have a war with Iran and Iran understands it.

Are the fires of Windsor Palace and Notre Dame Karma? Now the French and the Brits would feel what the Chinese felt when they burned down the Summer Palace for 3 days and 3 night after they had looted all the treasures.

So could be Karma for Japanese killing 300,000 Chinese in Nanjing alone. There was a competition to see how many heads were cut. The Japanese general said it was unfair as his sword was blunt in the middle of the competition and started over again. The mayor of Osaka said it did not happen even there was a museum devoted to it in Nanjing. We need to learn from history and not to repeat history.

First U.S. president to visit N. Korea
I bet it was an arrangement with Xi. It is too smooth and too simple using a tweet. It is Xi’s present to Trump to me. Trump had gained a lot of votes from the G20 meeting and this meeting.

We have lost long term in this trade war with China
·         China has allocated of effort and farm land to grow soybean now. It will take a few years before they can stop import soybean.

·         China is concentrating on core technologies. It will take years but not a decade.
·         Huawei is ready with new operating system and other chip components. The chips may not be fast enough but the operating system running machine code will compensate those chips that are not state-of-the-art. The problem is Europe depending on U.S. apps instead of China’s censored apps.
·         From 2020, China’ economy will suffer for a few years due to the trade war and the high debts.

Malaysian & Korean airline disasters
U.S. destroyed the air plane with the captured U.S. drone on its way to China. Similarly, it was speculated that the civilian Korean airline was shot down by N. Korea due to the spy equipment in the civilian airline. It was not in the news for long.

When you watch news, analyze and think. The media reported that Bolivia’s riot was due to the citizens wanting to share the profits from mining lithium, a major component for battery from mobile phones to electric cars. I do not have proof who is behind this expensive uprising. Obviously the beneficiary is our country U.S.A. Bolivia’s governor had signed a treaty with China to mine lithium in Bolivia which has about 50% of the world’s reserve.

Corruption, American style
Unless you live in a cave, you should know the corruption of both Trump and Biden. What did Biden’s son contribute for receiving that kind of money? When we accuse corruption of other countries, are we hypocrites?

Iran again
Why was the general killed? Trump wanted to avoid the impeachment. In addition, it will give him a better approval rating for the presidential election. In past history, many have boosted their approval rating (one from 25% to 80%) in similar conflicts.

Why did the plane crash? I guessed it right that it was the missile by Iran. Iranians are not too smart. They should have stopped all take offs and landings for the entire day after the attack.

Why there were no casualties in Iran’s missiles to U.S. military sites? It had been long planned/announced and gave the U.S. soldiers enough time to move their equipment and themselves to safer places.

The U.S. must been told that the missiles would not be harmful (similar to fireworks made in China) and please do not use your defense missiles.

Why both sides do not want to escalate? It would be bad for Trump for a full-fledged war with Iran and it is not for Iran’s benefit. Both would declare victory after saving face.

Judging from the actions by Iran, many terrorist attacks will be carried out by ‘unknown’ sources in U.S. soil and foreign sites. They have to satisfy Iran’s citizens on the killing of their hero.

Why does the U.S. attack Iran? It is due to not using USD in trading oil with China and the nuclear missile development. 

One factor is China as China does not want to have this conflict. China is the chief importer of Iran’s oil. If Iran’s oil stops flowing, China would be in very serious inflation.

My recent comments

Some are new and some are newly modified. They may be fillers in my other books after checking out in English and content (not to offend anyone). Some may be materials for new chapters or enhancing chapters. I jot down ideas on what I see without thinking whether they are politically correct.  Do not feel offended. Most are short and I hope they are thought-provoking. Some YouTube videos lead to many related videos that last for the entire day.

I am religious and political neutral. At one time I thought of deleting these posts from my books. I decided not to do it as my readers can analyze and decide whether they are correct by themselves. You can send me your opinions to my email I may include some here.

I agree that the U.S. has a good political system. However, our political parties have wasted a lot time in arguing.

With a few bad apples, the religious folks are generally good and the churches have done a lot of good deeds to mankind. I respect all religions.

On the book “The 100 Year Marathon” by Michael Pillsbury

The book and similar books make you feel better via dumb nationalism. It is good for those who always put the blame on others but not on themselves. The trade deficit is not a Chinese problem but ours.

The real fixes are:

1.       Improve our education system.
If you go to any high tech company or tech institution such as MIT, you will find many yellow faces and Indian faces. Chinese kids spend at least more hours in studying every day than our kids.
2.       Government should subsidize in science research to “Make America Great Again”. We subsidize many sectors (that’s why our milk is so cheap), but we complain China subsidizing their science research. Does it make sense?
3.       Improve infrastructure.
Our politicians care about 4 years and hence they will NOT do the above due to no immediate payoff. Our CEOs care about the next quarter and their bonuses.
4.       We need to save more.

It must be similar that this book would make folks with my background happy. To these folks, be neutral and seek out the truths.

On 5G

If we chose not to use Huawei 5G, we may be 2 years behind. It is likely that we would even be behind some developing countries in Africa.

It happened before in 4G: When the Orientals were watching TV from the phones during commute, we're reading Kindle books. I bet books are more educational than movies. However, 5G changes the world and hopefully for the better.

ATT's 5Gx is just 4G with 'potential' or a marketing gimmick. VZ's 5G has used a lot of Huawei's patents even they're not Huawei's products. Huawei asked Verizon to pay 1 billion for the patent use. If they do not pay for any ‘regulations’ from our government, China and many countries will not pay royalties on many U.S. patents.

Chicken feet, lobsters and trade war

Lobsters are literally flown to China for the rich. The trade war changes all these. Chicken feet, a delicacy for Chinese, will be thrown to the ocean.  I can finally enjoy a $12 plate of lobster in Boston.

Soybeans and pork are on sale in the US. I may buy a whole bunch, and cross ship them to China via a country that has no tariff from China.

Many farmers have been bankrupted as the banks do not loan them money to buy seeds for next years. Our storage is over-flowed. Soybeans and pork are rotting. Trump's subsidies will not help a lot and he is going to lose all the votes from these farm states.

At the G20 Summit
The reversal is not sudden at all. All the U.S. chip companies told Trump that they would suffer a lot if they cannot sell their components to Huawei. In recent years, the chips produced by the U.S. accounted for about 75% exported to China. Apple said they needed China for many reasons including China’s market and the Chinese technicians.

Trump's thought he has the trump card but actually not.

It is globalization under attack. Huawei just combines the best components from all over the world into a good product that is better or at least the same as Apple's products at about half prices.

You have gone a long way baby

U.S. is about 6 months ahead of China in AI research and China is ahead in AI application in years due to our protection on personal security.

China is ahead in EV buses. Boston is buying China's design in subway cars.

China is many years behind US in military stuffs such as fighter jets, carriers... But they have caught up in several areas such as military drones and some missiles.

By 2025, China will be the only space station. China recently visited the moon but I cannot say they are 50 years behind us.

50 years ago, China was behind U.S. in EVERY sector, and they could not even build a reliable bicycle. Now China is catching up. They have gone a long way baby.


2025 is a blue plan to achieve a better China. It turns out to be a target for Trump and the U.S. Every country has its blue plan for economic growth. China is moving from a labor-intensive industry to a higher-value products. It has to subsidize some sectors to achieve the goals for sure. It should not be a bargain chip to me.

We subsidize our farmers and that’s why the milk is so cheap. We subsidize our colleges and that’s why we have so many new technology and drug companies. Examples abound.

We can lower the speed of China’s economical advances, but for how long?

Deng is smart

Deng did not care what color was the cat as long as it could catch mice.

We do not care about the political system as long as it improves the livelihood of its citizens. Millions of Chinese starved to death in 1950s and today none starved to death! If you are starving to death, why you care for freedom? I rest my case.

Deng saved millions from starving. Obama got his Nobel Prize for doing nothing. What a stupid, racist and biased Nobel Prize committee!

Walmart and guns

Walmart is the largest gun retailers and still wants to sell guns after the shooting. It gives one-stop shopping real meaning. Profit comes first and live does not matter.

The best complement

My late mother loved Wheel of Fortune. Why it is the best complement you may ask? She did not speak English.

Why China acts

About 40 years ago, U.S. took out the embargo against China. It helped U.S. by playing the China card against Russia and taking advantage of China’s abundant, cheap labor.

Today the U.S. treats China as a competitor and sometimes as an enemy. China’s sea route for exporting her products and importing ores and oil could be blocked by U.S. navy in China Sea. That’s why China wants to revive the old silk route and strengthen her navy. 

Why Trump reacts to China

Today China’s worker wage has improved by 50 times from my estimate. China is moving to a higher-value products that would directly compete with us. With a huge population, China is challenging U.S. in many sectors including 5G technology.

Huawei sells more mobile phones than Apple outside the U.S. A typical Huawei’s phone depends about 85% on foreign components and a lot are from U.S. Google’s Android OS are used in most mobile phones besides Apple’s. 

Global depression
We have been a sucker for too long. To do so drastic measures in this scale and to too many countries may lead to a global depression. Some even predict the USD will collapse together with the stock market. So far, we do not have the 'predicted' earthquake that would destroy the east coast. Keep on praying.

Go back to your own country

If Trump’s wife goes first, I will too. Native Indians and Eskimos were Chinese or Mongolian and I had my genes to prove it. They crossed the once-frozen Bering Strait due to losing their way after too many Maotai or escaping from enemies.

Another shooting

It will not be last until we love our children more than our guns. We have more guns than the population. Praying for the victims’ families does not do much for the next shootings. Politicians, wake up and do something useful and stop counting your donations from NRA with your filthy hands dripping in blood.

Many countries like to follow our culture via movies and music, but not our relaxed gun control.

No one forces you
You do not have to buy any goods made in China. No CEOs from our corporations are forced to open shops in China.

However, Walton family became one of the richest families by importing goods from China and made many of their investors rich. GM and Ford may survive with the profits from China. I bet part of our market success in recent years is due to China.

Most CEOs in global companies do not really care about jobs in the U.S. They care about profits for their company and consequently bonuses and the appreciation for the options given to them.

They saw China had the cheap labor (not any more) and a potential large market for their products (that has materialized). China wants the know-hows as part of the deal. They both agree and both benefit.

Did China steal our IPs?

Yes. It is common companies steal other companies’ IPs. There are currently many lawsuits. Hence, what is the big deal?

The big deal is how we have not protected our IPs especially the government. Chinese routinely comes out with the weapons similar to us (not similar to Russians’ it used to). It is surprisingly many of them are more advanced than ours such as DF – 17, which makes our carriers sitting ducks.

Why do we accuse Chinese on subsidies?

Every country subsidizes their industries including U.S. If I need to give you examples, it will take the whole day and I’m insulting your intelligence.

China’s weapons show-off during the 70th Anniversary parade

DF-17 is ready to protect China from our carriers. Until there is a real use, we do not know how good it is in a real situation.

DF-41 is the first time China’s missiles can travel to our territory with a nuclear missile or 8 smaller nuclear missiles.

Most have not been used in real wars except the military drones used in the Middle East wars.

Congress just approved the Hong Kong Law
Is it a joke?

If China does not like our gun shooting to our fellow citizens, should they have a law against our trade?

In addition, this is what Beijing wants: To punish Hong Kong due to the riots.

What is the trade war really about?
It is Trump’s way to stop China from taking the lead. It will not stop China in doing so. It is my theory on “Investing vs. Consuming”. China invests heavily in infrastructure while we consume so we have a higher living standard of living.

But, for how long?

Tiananmen incident

It has not mentioned inside China. I do not want to discuss it but I lay out the consequences.

·         China has next 20 years of peace without riots. When the citizens have better living standard, why should they riot. Chinese with many former protesters are busy today in making money. Good.

·         Foreign embargo on China esp. on dual purpose stuffs. Initially bad for China but good in the long run that China needs to create these products themselves.

·         Chinese students were allowed to stay in the U.S. Good for U.S. to get the best students from China and good for the students seeking better lives. However, some students returned back to China to make China and themselves prosperous.

Is 2019 a good year for the market?

Since WW2, we do not have a down market on the third year of the presidential cycle. I commented this again after we had a market correction due to the trade war on 8/4/2019.

If China is not important, why the trade war negotiation has made a big splash on the market? We have more than 10 years of bull market. Partly it is due to the corporate profits made in China. Recently it is due to the low interest rates and tax cut.


First I like religions judging from the quality of the followers. If all religions claim they are the only right one, then all but one must be wrong.

However, it has caused a lot of wars from Crusade to today. Where in any religious book teaches us to kill? The preachers who made sexual advances to the altar boys and the Popes who covered it up should go to the lowest level of hell. When the Church is selling their properties to pay for the damages, it would be the end of the church? Hope my comment does not offend anyone.

There is no afterlife to me. If there is one, the Chinese ghost and the ghost from the west should be identical but there are not. No Chinese experiences seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in the near-death situation. As long as we do not commit crimes, we should not be afraid of the final judgement.

Objectives in life

There are more important objectives in life than seeking wealth such as happiness, health, relationship… With wealth, a wise man can make the other objectives easier to obtain but an unwise man can do the opposite. When you lose a lot of money, you’re still smiling then you’re a winner.

My friend’s friend died of worrying about losing most of his life saving in the stock market. Eventually the market returned, but he was dead already. We have to be emotionally detached to our wealth.

A win-win toaster diplomacy

If the toaster is made in US, it will cost $50 instead of $10 but it would last forever. Hence we save the environment.

The trick is made the toaster in China for $10 according to our spec and QC. Import it, sell it with a trusty brand name and charge it for $20. It will still last forever too and the middle man such as Walmart would pocket the $10 difference. That’s why Walmart is so rich.

Chinese quality

Quality is controlled by the U.S. buyers. Do you find poor quality in Apple's products that are assembled in China? But you find products from some U.S. vendors asking for lower quality at lower prices.

Walmart cannot be profitable for so long if they just import the lowest quality of Chinese products.

If a country can build a space station, the longest suspension bridge, the fastest computers, 5G network / phones, high-speed rails..., it has to be supported by quality products / technologies.

Definitions of ‘ism’        

Capitalism is: You do not work, you die.
Communism is: Everyone is paid the same, so there is no need to work harder. Socialism: As Margaret said, when we have nothing more to give, we all go hungry like the USA is going to.
Idealism: There is no such word in reality. It only exists in our dreams. However, many treat this as it is a reality as they're still dreaming.
Feudalism. Like the Tibetan monks in the 50s. Only they can learn and the rest are slaves.
Not me

Trump told us that he had nothing with the Hong Kong protest. Thieves always say they have not stolen anything. He always told us that recent the market fall did not have anything to do with the trade war with China.

What I heard

The smart girl wanted to be a president when she grew up. After going to a circus, she wanted to be a clown. Her smart father told her she could be a president and a clown at the same time.

The waitress was furious with the small tips from Gates compared to what she got from his son. Gates told her that he did not have a rich father.

The anchor lady asked what happened to the 8 inches the weather reporter predicted last night.

The smart salesman asked the customer not to forget the paper remoter controller with the purchase of the paper iPhone 12 so they would not come back to get them. Chinese burned them for their dead ancestors. The salesman also told his customer they had the best teacher to show them how to use it.

All the above were not created by me. Hope they will cheer you up. 

Incredible coincidence

My best man met my wife’s bride maid in my wedding and they got married. My best man is my fifth grade classmate in Hong Kong. He almost did not make it due to a business trip. Luckily he did not miss it otherwise he may not have this perfect marriage.

The amazing coincidence is that I met him unexpectedly in a Greyhound station in Albany at 3 am when I was coming to Mass. for graduate school from California. He was changing bus on his way to Toronto to see his college friends before college started. The chance could be higher than hitting the lottery. I prefer hitting the lottery. LOL.

Ramen noodle

My college friend got sick from eating too much Ramen noodles. If you put some frozen vegetables into the boiling soup with the noodles and only use less than one quarter of the spices provided, it would be healthier. In any case, do not eat it every meal.

The ideal program
I'm writing a program named IYBID (in your best interest, dummy) making all government decisions and to include twitting. It will be born and made in the USA. Hence no cheat and no national security violated.

When every country has my program which is free, we will not have wars after balancing the benefits and risks.

Do not cry for me as I can make some money too. I buy the SPY the day before my very positive speech or twit and short the SPY vice versa. Is it what our president is doing today? A land of opportunities!

Airplane mode
You should move your mobile phone far away from your bed to reduce radiation exposure. Using airplane mode would save your battery and less radiation exposure. In addition, you cut down notifications. You will receive no phone calls until you turn it off.

End of the world

If all countries followed Vatican, the birth rate would be zero and hence the end of the world in the next generation. If the Church paid all the claims on the lawsuits for the lawsuits on the sex offends, there would be the end of the church.

Misunderstanding Hong Kong’s protests
I am pretty sure an organization (financed by the U.S. government) finances or even trains the Hong Kong rioters and so are many other riots around the world.

Double standards on human rights

U.S. has used different human rights standards to fit their political views. Are many countries in the Middle East violating human rights far more than China? Allowing our citizens shooting each other is a violation to me. Check out how many citizens are killed by the police every year and compare it to the numbers in other developed countries. What is the evidence of Huawei’s spying others using the phones and compare it to ours?  The list is endless.

More on human rights
The western standard applies to the west and Chinese standard applies to China.

Human rights come in priority: Food, Clothes, Housing, Freedom, Education… from my yardstick (everyone’s is different). Without food, how can you think of freedom; many could argue with me on this as they have never been starving. When you are freezing to death without clothes and housing, all the freedom in the world would do you no good.

China had lifted more than 500 million from poverty and starving to death. I close my case.

China is still not a rich country and it cannot afford to protect all human rights with her limited resources. For example, she cannot afford to spend millions in trials such as O.J.’s case.

The social score could be an easy way to control her citizens. It does not seem workable in our society but it is effective in China. While we complain our privacy, China has developed the facial recognition and have been successful in catching criminals.

Tibet and minorities in Western China
Some argue genocide on Chinese minorities in these regions. These are all fade news (real fake new). The media print what you want to hear without checking out the facts. The reality is Chinese minorities did not have to follow “one-child policy” as the Hans (the majority) had. How can it be genocide?

So far they have got more than they give out. Before the ‘liberation’, only Tibetan Monks could get an education and now all have compulsory basic education. The train to Tibet increases the living standard of all Tibetans. The generous financial aids to the earthquake in Tibet is another example.

The high-speed train to Western China will never be paid back. It is also used to suppress the riots (good or bad depending on your viewpoint) that destroy the peace of the society. The minorities in Western China are the chief beneficiaries of the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative.

China’s foreign policy
The big difference between the U.S.’s is a non-interference policy. They just want to trade with you and do not care about your government policy and/or human rights practice.

If you do not want to trade, it is fine too. When the Brits found they had nothing to trade with China, they pushed opium obtained from India as a nation and killed millions of Chinese. The trade was enforced by battleships and big guns. Later on the eight nations including U.S. and Japan semi colonized China and changed China history for the worst.

Is Chinese government or the U.S. government better?
No government is perfect.

China has an authoritarian government. It is not communist as they do not let you set up shops. For the last 40 years, it has lifted millions away from poverty. In Mao’s time, millions starved to death. You cannot conclude which government is good or bad as it all depends on how the leader governs the country. China does not want to unfriend any foreign country if you do not follow their ideas. Many developing countries want to adopt China’s ideas as the results are good.

China’s policy is making both China and your country both prosperous by investing China’s excess trade deficits with you such as the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative.

U.S.’s government. One major problem is we have been wasting time in arguing with each other.

“One man, one vote” is ideal. However, if the citizens are not educated enough, it would not make the best decisions. The politicians have to buy votes such as the welfare recipients to satisfy both objectives. Our politicians look for 4 years, so many big infrastructure projects will have no payback even our bridges and roads are deteriorating.

If you believe that U.S. government is democratic and fair, you believe in fairy tales. Anyone can write a good-size book on this topic.

If you’re using China’s Tik Tok for fun in creating your funny videos, you may be harmful to our national security. Give me a break please.

Too much control?

We have to relax on privacy, so we do not be left behind in artificial intelligence / facial recognition from China. So is stem cell research.

Is Syria’s oil ours?

If not, why should we send soldiers to protect the oil?

The recession is coming
The last one was rescued by China buying our debts. Not this time I bet.

Land of opportunities

It is about 50 years after the fall of Vietnam. First I have to thank the veterans who sacrificed for us even it is the wrong war at least to some. Have we been threatened by Vietnam today? Why we protected a corrupt government?

Initially the Vietnamese refugees were the burden of the society; some were accused of welfare cheaters and some were too tough (not surprising from what they went through).

The first generation changes the bad image COMPLETELY. Most are working as respected citizens. Many are professionals and they rank very high as a racial group in social status in our society.

S.E. Asia

If you have been to any S.E. Asia country, you will find the infrastructure and construction projects built or being built by Chinese. It has improved the living standard over there. However, they also have to depend on the debt burden from China. U.S. has neglected this market. It is too late now to do anything. Even if they redirect the factories from China to this area, China still benefits a lot in years to come and China eventually have to suffer from their own success with higher wages and stricter environment control. The “Blue Dot project” is designed to rescue their financial influence in S.E. Asia. It is too little and too late. It is designed by folks who have not been to this area lately and/or this is the silly response to what their boss asked.

Why Chinese grow so fast

From Ming’s period, China had half of the world’s GDP. China declined due to her ignorance of the industrial revolution and the advances from the west.

Now, they learn the lessons and humiliation for the 100 years after the first Opium War. They had a sign in front of a Chinese park saying “No Chinese and Dog”.  What will you feel if a foreign country do this to you? Nixon took out the embargo and Deng had great vision.

Today China’s per capital income is about ¼ of the US and a little more if purchase power is considered. Chinese living standard has been improved by better infrastructure to start. China’s next steps should be clean water and clean air. China plows back a lot of income in research and education. They learn and practice my theory of consumption vs. investing).

Why China’s rail develops so fast

There are many reasons. The east coast area is densely populated. Hence, they have a large market. The air travel is controlled by the air force. They need to use the rail system to connect the remote part of the country and the world. It is also a way to reduce the wealth gap from the richer coaster areas. The land prices (most land are owned by the government) would be increased along the high-speed rail. Hence, from the corporation viewpoint, many routes are not profitable but it is profitable for the entire country.

A day to remember

The Nazi killed 1.1 M in a concentration camp in Poland. We have to learn from history to prevent it from happening again.

The Japanese killed 300,000 Chinese in Nanjing during WW2. They had a competition to see who chopped more heads. In the middle of it, the general said it was not fair as his sword was blunt and he had to start all over again.

These war criminals have never be trialed like the German criminals. Check out the movie Nanjing from Netflix.

Taiwan politics

All you need to know is there are two major political parties in Taiwan: one pro-China and one pro-U.S. Pro-U.S. wins in the recent election.

When the Japanese minister congratulated his counter-part in Taiwan, Japan is pro-U.S. as before.

The old government wanted to invade the mainland, and it gives the reason that China can invade Taiwan. The new generation has less to do with China.

Obesity and Grammy

After watching the Grammy for the first minutes in 2020, I have to say we have an obesity problem. So far no one wants to report it at the risk of being called racist or against fat folks. Hope someone will compare obesity among developed countries.

Kobe and Kennedy in common

Helicopters, small plans and hot-air balloons are dangerous and the accidents can be easily avoidable. We need to learn from history.

Wuhan virus

China should be more proactive. Making money should take a back seat and move public health, clean air and clean water into the front seat. I believe this virus breakout would wake up the decision makers there and China will be stronger after this disaster.

It reminds me of the song “Tomorrow will be better”, Taiwan’s answer to “We’re the world”.

Illogical logic

My states are giving driver licenses to illegals. Should they give the info to Immigration department and Social Welfare department? Illogical logic? This is one of the many examples. For example, Huawei’s products are banned to sell in the U.S., but Huawei can buy our chips.

To trade or not to trade

Today, we use tariffs to reduce trading with China.

The west wanted to trade with China in 19th Century. China’s emperor showed the ‘foreign salvage’ that China had everything and there was no need to trade. The Brits found opium grown in India as a commodity to trade. They shamelessly pushed opium as a nation and changed the history of China. China ignored the Industrial Revolution, the advanced weapons and how they colonized. Will China make the same mistake again? I bet no.

Police brutality: Hong Kong and U.S.

Hong Kong police is too tame compared to the U.S. How often the U.S. rioters throw Molotov cocktail to police stations?  It is often during Hong Kong riots. The U.S. police shoot when the life is threatened – very rare in Hong Kong.  There are more guns in the U.S. than the citizens, so their lives would be threatened easily. Of course as in any sectors and industries, there are some bad apples. In every country, we need police to enforce the peace and the laws and there is no exception.

I am neutral in politics, but I have my observations

I do not like another billionaire except this time. He does not have to satisfy the special-interest groups such as NRA as he does not accept money from them so far. All politicians promise us everything (a.k.a. buying votes) but none tells us how to pay for the goodies; I can by just ending the endless wars. Taxing more on the 1% is not a solution as they just give up U.S. citizenship. We, the middle class, are squeezed by both sides.

From the first debate with Bloomer, they know Bloomberg is big but they should also know that they are closing the door for the running VP job esp. for every other candidates beside Bernie. Yang is not a good candidate for VP as both are wealthy folks. It is interesting that all the folks against Bloomberg would take away votes from Bernie and it has the opposite effect.

P.S. Remind myself to take out political views from my books on investing. About half would oppose my views.

More than a joke

This is what I heard. What is 8*3? Eight guys said 24 and one said 23. They argued for the entire day and finally they let the judge settle it. The judge said the 8 folks were damn wrong and fined them $3 each for a total of $23. Obviously they asked why. The judge said, “You guys are stupid to argue with some illogical guy for the entire day and wasted my time.”

The lesson is: Do not waste time in arguing with illogical guys and that’s why I never argue with you. LOL.

To Kit, the #1 public speaker in Hong Kong

The summary of the death of To Kit’s father is brief and touching. It also summarizes the struggle of the last generation and the easier life in this generation of Chinese. Our easier life is partly due to the struggle / hard work of the last generation. Most of our fathers in our age group (65 to 80) in Hong Kong were working hard in the tough environment and did not spend enough time with their children. To Kit is #1 public speaker in Hong Kong or #19 to his critics. Being in U.S., I have watched a lot of his YouTube videos (thanks YouTube) but not any of his books and articles. He has some good ideas. He is more against China from the videos I watched; I do not agree. He does not have a supporting team I bet. Hence once in a while he made some mistakes and that were attacked fiercely.

China’s middle class

It is growing but slower due to the pandemic and the trade war. It is about the same size as the entire U.S. population. The internal market is enough to grow the GDP. Many foreign products and supplies that China do not have will make many foreign companies rich.

U.S. banning chips and jet engines to China

It will slow China’s growth TEMPORAILY but no U.S. politicians care about long-term impact.

I bet Huawei will have a mobile phone with no U.S. chips in 2022. China can cancel all jet orders from Boeing and switch to Airbus. Also, China can move the jet engine orders to EU and/or Russia. EU will side with China when the benefits are higher than what they can get with U.S. When China trade with Yuan, the status of the reserve currency would be threatened. A cooperation approach will be more beneficial to U.S. than isolating China.

U.S. still #1 but for how long

Many countries want to be part of U.S. such as Philippines and many South America countries. Many U.S. prisons are better than most houses in many countries in the world. U.S. is the desirable country to migrate to. Most students from India want U.S. citizenship. Do you blame them? They will not wait for the primitive infrastructure in India to improve.

Questions on religion

Are most wars in the Middle East due to the conflict of Christians and Muslims? If so, which religious book teaches us to kill?

Can religious folks be scientists and business men?

Should the preachers who sexually assaulted altar boys be covered up? Should they go to heaven if they just confess?

Could it be the end of the church after selling all the church’s assets to pay for the crimes? Will the victims be the 1% (or 10% after the cut from the greedy lawyers)?


Except for the children of famous actors and producers, most have to sleep with someone with influence to move ahead in this career. Hope it will change. However, if you go to a hotel room, logically I know your purpose. Drugging victims is a different story.

Innovation in China

Three basic steps before China goes to the next level of innovation: 1. More freedom, 2. Stress more on basic science than applied science and 3. Enforce IP protection.

If God is fair

Everyone could look the same. It would take out the fun in looking for mates and hence life is no fun. In addition, if there is a new virus, it could wipe out the entire population due to the same immune system.

How to make millions in lottery

It is quite easy if you have a time machine.

Be serious! You can just go to the lottery office and tell them to buy all possible combinations when the jack pot grows to some calculated amount. Judging from my experiences, you should make millions if not billions. If there is more than one winner, you may have to skip town. It worked pretty well until they add more numbers (boosting up the number of combinations). Before you do anything, talk to your financial advisor and/or your probate officer first.

Be more serious! Buy the ticket as early as possible. Hence you have more time to dream how to use your jack pot money. Your $2 (used to be $1) is better than any drugs (legal or illegal) to improve your health due to positive thinking. If you lose (just in case), part of your money would be donated to the poor. Not a bad way to spend your two dollars.

On Health

This short paragraph will summarize ALL the health articles. Exercise every day. Quit strong liquor and smoking. Eat more fruits and vegetables with different colors. Reduce fatty food, bread / rice / noodles, food with nitrates, deserts and processed food including chips, ice cream and crackers. Make home cooking your priority.

If you follow the above, you live longer, need more money to last, and logically you need to buy my book “Complete the art of investing”. Convenient advertising. You will thank me when you’re not running out of money at your first 100th birthday.

On ancient Europe

Why Europe is not over-populated? The Crusade started more than a thousand years ago has never been formally ended. The Black Death killed half of the population. Further they did not spoil water at one time and drinking beer instead of water saves many lives finally. My guesses only!

Why Europe is so rich? With less population, the natural resources including farm land is high per capita. In addition, they enslaved and stole all the gold / silver from the colonies. That’s why the countries with sea-faring ports are richer than the rest of Europe. Again my guesses only!

Coincident or belonging to conspiracy theories
The pandemic spreads to countries that oppose to our policies: China, S. Korea, Iran and Italy.

Are the whole Korean family sharing soups with spoons and the close religious meetings the causes of the spreading?

Travel industry is suffering financially caused by this virus.

Market timing

It works at least for the last two crashes ending in 2009, but no one can predict the peak and the bottom. I have a simple technique to detect market crashes / recoveries described in most of my books on investing.

One best-seller tells us to exit the market in 2009 and the followers would miss out the 300% or so of appreciation from then to 1/2020. My system is well publicized and it is not my idea; sometimes it is self-prophesized when a lot of investors follow the same technique.

Many predict that a market crash is coming. Even the broken clock is right two times a day. Some become famous when the prediction is materialized and publicized. However, most are one-winner pony.

Representation without taxable

It is worse than taxable without representation. Should we take out the voting rights for those who do not pay any Federal income tax?


I do not like him as a person without moral. However, he is right in many policies. Being a Chinese American, I even like his China policy. However, it has carried to such an extreme that would backfire in the long term.  Again, I do not vote as I am politically neutral.

Richest folks I bet

More than 5 of the 10 richest folks are Jews or related.

The richest family is Rockefeller, but their wealth has not been publicized. The next one is Walton making money by importing goods from China. Sam Walton miscalculated the profit margins and he was a patriot. After he died, his heirs imported goods from China and the rest is history.

The U.S. middle class have better life than the ancient emperors. So, why you complain?

Adam and Eve

It seems that every civilization has its own legend on how the earth and human were created. How did they pass the legend from day one without language?

Prediction of the next president

As of 3/2020, there has not been a president not reelected with the unemployment rate less than 4%. The black swan could be the corona virus. The economy looked better than it actually was as in most presidential election year.

Five Eyes becomes One Eye?

United Kingdom and Canada seems to be letting Huawei in to install the 5G networks. Economy is more important than politics. Canada has massive trade with the U.S., so I do not know the above statement is right. Canada is not in war with any country, so why they care about military intelligence?

Australia has a strong economic tie with China, so most likely they will side with China eventually. They need China more than U.S. for both trade and peace.

The U.S. and China

To my surprise and with the exception of Vietnam, most countries think China is friendlier than the U.S. from the many YouTube videos I watched, and most of these videos were made by Chinese citizens and some by Europeans.

We have been given China a hard time in many fronts, and China will if not already do the same to us. The world will be a better place if the two countries do not fight against each other.

Foxconn and India

Foxconn has a tough time in India. Labor cost and tariff are not the only factors. Other factors are the quality of workers (education and work ethic), infrastructure (electricity and transportation) and governance.

Many factories are moved to Vietnam with similar problems even with the help of China in building their infrastructure. Many basic parts are still made in China and Vietnamese assemble them.

In any case, China will suffer a lot from the trade war with us and the pandemic. 


From the pandemic outbreak, we find the strengths and weaknesses of globalization. The policy “China plus one” resurfaces. Trump could give negative tariff to some Chinese exports that we need desperately. No kidding!

Endless wars

When you see any of the many YouTube videos on Syria and/or Ukraine, you know what wars have bought. Hope all countries do not participate in foreign wars and let them fix their own problems / conflicts locally to reduce the disastrous effects of wars.

I hope China would solve the islet disputes with her neighbors, and U.S. would let the United Nations to be the global policeman. Am I just a dreamer?


Watched some documentation on this poor country. Hope more Chinese factories will be moved to this country. God is unfair. Do your part by not wasting food please as many folks in this world are starving.

Classification of economies

The world’s economies can be divided into 6 major categories: Finance, Technology, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Entertaining and Natural Resources (farm land, oil and ores). There are some unclassified or minor categories such as Military / Offense Industry, Tourism and Education.

U.S. has most. She lacks manufacturing due to high living standard. She is one of the few countries that can close global trade and survive.

China is strong in manufacturing and is moving up to technology. She has a tough time to feed the huge population with unfair share of farm land. She does not have her fair share of natural resources. She needs trade more than most other countries.

China’s donations to many countries during this crisis

These donations include many supplies including masks, ventilators, testers, methods and in some cases medical personnel. EU countries cannot depend on the union as many members are fighting the same problem and U.S. has the same problem too. China will gain a lot of support from these countries after the virus has been suppressed. It is money well-spent.

Banning game food?

Most countries eat games. There is no need to ban all of them. However, we should have some regulations and enforce the general safety in wet markets. 

Why we do not save compared to the Chinese

Based on the last 500 years, China is an agricultural society. It teaches them to save as they farmers suffer from the unexpected nature of draught or not enough water. We depend on using military to benefit our economy. It is true to some extent. Our generous welfare is another reason.

Virus and the government

Life is the top agenda in Human Rights, right? If you do not have a life, freedom is nothing.


Geniuses do not call themselves genius every day. That’s why I do not call myself genius. See the logic. LOL. The real genius is the one expressing his professional opinions without offending his/her boss.

Election of 2020

As of 2019, I predicted Trump would win as there was no president not reelected with 4% or less unemployment and a booming stock market. What a change in 4/2020 with the pandemic. The market fell a lot and I expect the unemployment would shot up to 15% or more.

Biden is corrupt as his son is making good money without working. Bernie said that before but not now. Cuomo could beat Trump but he is not going to run. The Hispanic lady could be running with Biden.

Hillary lost due to not spending enough effort in Minnesota.

Quality of a politician

I like Bloomberg for president. He committed two errors: 1. Talk like a politician esp. on topics on women and minorities and 2. Lie like a politician.

Learn from Trump when he was asked whether economy (or the stock market) is more important than lives. Trump said, “Both and our citizens agree”.  From his actions in returning to work, economy is more important.

Free Tibet, my holy foot

Please do not liberate my country. I understand your energy, good nature and idealism. I was the same when I was at your age.
First, thanks to the U.S. government. Now, I’m a naturalized U.S. citizen collecting generous welfare benefits. You do not understand how my life has been improved dramatically by living here, in contrast to living on of the highest mountains year around.

Some people desire to be worshipped and served as kings and queens. They have their ambitions and revolutionary ideas. The last ones were those who escaped to India in 1959 after the failed revolt (also known as the 1959 Tibet uprising) sponsored by the CIA. Please let me know who sponsor today’s Tibetan movements; it does not seem to be a Mickey Mouse production. The monarchy does not speak for the common people who just want a peaceful life.
The devastating news on Tibet dices and slices our consciences. Accounts are often grossly and deceptively inaccurate.1 This is a common practice in news reporting to attract readers in the West, as well as in the East and where ever news is covered.

The ruling party, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), will not give up Tibet-- there is the origin of the major water source for most of South and Central Asia.2 Our standard of living has been improved substantially under China as indicated by the much improved literacy rate and life expectancy.

The (Qinghai–Tibet railway) train and the proposed 750 small dams that generate electricity are recent modernization infrastructure projects. Even though the Chinese government has lifted Tibet's standard of living, the banishment of Han Chinese will further improve our living standard further. Comparisons can be drawn to the U.S.’s permitting the Native Indians to allow the opening and operation of casinos on Indian reservation: The benefits outnumber the drawbacks.
China had been ruled by Mongolians and Manchurians in two of the last three dynasties, which each, as the Tibetans also are one of the 55 ethnic minorities in China. Dalai Lama is an outstanding salesman for the Tibetan Independence cause, as he is able to convince some of most influential celebrities and politicians to support his “plight”. China must be glad that they do not have such salesmen for Mongolia and Manchuria.

Everywhere in China, Tibetan cultures have been maintained; different from what ‘reporters’ report. In addition, all the minorities are exempt from China's one-child policy.

Unless you can convince your Congress to send soldiers to ‘liberate’ us as you’ve been doing for many countries, please do not stir up our rebellious sentiment towards the Chinese. The more you do, the more our folks will suffer and ‘disappear’.

Spend your energy elsewhere. The choices are unlimited: CEOs enjoying outrageous benefits / bonuses from companies receiving bailouts, killing Iraqi children in a war you cannot afford, etc.

Everywhere in China, you see Tibetan cultures have been maintained. Google ‘Tibet song’, or click the following

Do they look they’re oppressed to you?

It sounds like propaganda. But I want you to know that I have no connection with the Chinese government. I just want to be realistic and the world at least my world will be more peaceful without those demonstrations. I wrote the above from the mindset of the silent majority of Tibetans.

Update 3/2017

Tibet has been improved almost in all fronts since this article was written. Even the cattlemen have TV and portable solar panels and drive trucks and motor cycles. The western China has been recovered after the recent earthquake. The US movie actors/actresses do not sacrifice their careers by bad mouthing China which is becoming #1 in global movie revenues. Here is a YouTube (in Chinese only) on a series on modern Tibet. Actually China treats the minorities so good that makes many other Chinese jealous.
1 One Tibetan riot was started when Han Chinese were murdered but was reported wrongly with photos that were bought and modified to indicate it was the other way round.

·         I am not a Tibetan but ‘I wrote the above from the mindset of the silent majority of Tibetans’.

It received a lot of resentment from Tibetans in exile. I understand it and accept it. Please let me know whether the living standard of most Tibetans have been improved from education to life expectancy.

Surprisingly, recently I received a lot of good comments from regular Americans. It seems the sentiment has been changed recently or I did a convincing job with over 350 ‘likes’ in a comment to article. However, it sounds very fishy to have so many ‘likes’.

·         Danvercen whom I never met wrote a long reply to my comment as follows. Most are his actual experience, better than what I could dream up. I should say the guest is better than the host. I have to totally agree with someone who agrees with me. J

 I completely agree with comment by “TonyP4”. Leave Tibet alone and let them live in peace. Don’t stir up to cause unrest in the area just for political reasons. This is good for China, Tibet and the world peace. The living standard is much better now than before. Chinese have invested too much there not to mention it is strategic and national pride for China. China will not let Tibet go independent. Not too many countries in the world now would let a territory to go independent.

Taiwan’s ex-president Chen Shui-bian wanted independence so he can be a “king” and took money from Taiwan and deposited in various foreign banks.

I had lived in Tibet area when I was a child. My father was assigned by then Chinese Kuomingtang (KMT) government in Chongqing to that area for one year during WW2. There was not much in the area; no good road, just trails and rocky paths, no infrastructure, no government, no toilet facilities, no indoor bathroom, defecation on the street etc. Dead persons would be fed to vultures so they can go to heaven. There no education except at the Lama Temples for the monks.

The local Tibetans were really poor. Of course the “outsiders” weren’t that much better at the same time. Most Tibetan women toiled in the field to provide for the family, frequently with babies on their back. Often, one woman would marry few brothers at the same time and provided for all of them. Most men would go through the Temple for a year or two. Others would stay longer because it provided a good life without hard work in the first place.

But the place was beautiful with high mountains, clear skies, fresh and crispy air, cold and clear water, lots of butter from Tibetan Cattle (Yak, called locally “hairy Ox”), Yak milk, transport by riding horses on rocky paths. There was gold glistening in the morning sun in the Golden-Sand River. And you need to pass over the iron-chain wood or bamboo planked bridges swaying left and right. Then there was local roasted barley powder mixed with yak butter as food (Tseng-Ba) when you travel. The horses usually would drink from the creeks first before they were willing to ford the streams. My father often kept a sword handy just in case a mountain cat would come after you. The monks were friendly. But local people usually kept to themselves.

The local people were usually much taller than Han Chinese. I played often at the beautiful Lama Temple near our house, helping the Head Lama hitting the drum so monks will not fall asleep reciting Buddhist Bible When I hit the drum; the recital would get much louder for a short period. There was a missionary family from U.S.A whose young daughter died sadly when my family moved away back to Chongqing.

I give an example of Israel to compare. Israel was created after WW2. However, they were claiming their ancestor land lost many years ago. Iran said Israel should be eradicated from the earth. But I do not think so. Israel is a well-established country with prosperous people and good government. Besides, if I have a choice, I would side with Israel at any time. I would hate to be ruled under Muslim religion influence. Christian religion nowadays is much more tolerant and nice. I like Christian and Jewish religions even though I am not religious. I hope the Muslin countries would be realistic and make peace with Israel. I don’t think that Israel would ever be defeated.

Lastly, I don’t understand why Dalai Lama got a Nobel Peace Prize for? If this is not politics, what is it? If Dalai was really for the Tibetan people, he should have stayed to promote more rights for local people. Dalai and ruling class in India are history now. The wheel of the history would never turn back just like the Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution which is also history. Just imagine letting those upper class serf owners to again rule over the Tibet people through religious leaders like in Iran?

Nobel Peace Prize. How about give a posthumous Nobel Peace Prize to the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. His policy brought a quarter of the mankind out of poverty and into some form of prosperity. He was the one who said outright that only market economy will triumph over centralized and planned economy.

Of course it is to the U.S. interest to have China into many pieces; the independence of Tibet, Taiwan, northwest Xinjiang, northeast Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong and Macau etc. Various countries tried in the past but failed. Chaos in China may affect the world. I quote (forgot who said it): You can start a war as you want, but you cannot stop a war as you please. I estimate that China will not attain a super power status in 80 years as compared to USA and Russian. And look back in history, is China a country who had invaded many other countries?

·         Since 2009, about 50 Tibetans burned themselves to death and most were monks. It is sad. It is not part of Buddhist teaching but ‘life is precious’ is. It is same as the suicidal bombers except it does not harm others. It is disturbing that no passers-by did anything except encouraging folks to take pictures.

·         Dali Lama accused Chinese are repressive. Were the monks before 1950s repressive? No one but the monks could be literate. The better solution is return to the previous autonomy state but with less religion prosecution from the Chinese and less governance from religion. Church and state should be separated. Like it or not, we have to face reality.

Thoughts on Jubilee Day

2012 is the year of Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Should the royal families be loved as publicized by the world? No, they're the parasites of societies to me. They have very few useful functions for any society today despite their fancy titles. They are sucking up the resources which should be given to the poor. How dare of they ask for monetary raises in a recession for doing nothing essential except for tourism to the betterment of Britain. It is like Robin Hoods in reverse. Who pay for the expensive 'celebration' for doing less? What an untimely approval of the selfish spending for the rich and powerful!

Chinese have suffered a lot from the decisions of the 'royal' families from Britain to Japan (next chapter).

The Opium Wars.

How outrageous is one nation pushing drugs to another nation? The Brits had had nothing desirable to trade with China’s porcelain, tea and silk. They discovered opium grown in India as a good trade. Queen Victoria stamped the seal of approval. China ignored the modernization of the Industrial Revolution and the advanced weapons / battleships coupled with the corruption of Empress Dowager Cixi.1

The Brits and the French burned the old summer palace for three days and three nights. They stole treasures, like uneducated barbarians and destroyed more as there were too much for them to lift.

Visit the ruins in Beijing for proof. You will be amazed by the scale and saddened even if you’re not a Chinese. Most of the stolen treasures are displayed 'proudly' in museums in London and Paris. Even after many hand changes, loots are still loots. Most Brits would rather forget its history of pushing drugs as a nation but we can never cover the truths.

This devastation of a semi colonized China bankrupted China, leading to a century of humiliation. The millions of innocent victims and drug addicts must have shed their tears from heaven to make the celebration day rain all day long to echo the injustice and their suffering to the world.

1 who built a marble boat from the fund that was supposed to build battleships for Chinese navy.


·         It is understandable that the Brits hated this blog and submitted all kind of excuses. However, those who debated did not have adequate arguments on their shameful history. They argued that the Queen attracted a lot of tourists and made billions of pounds for the Brits.

·         However, I have many supporting my argument. I believe most Brits today do not know anything about the Opium Wars and their damages to China.

·         From Wikipedia, check out Opium Wars

Industrial Revolutions: 
Dowager Cixi:                  

·         The Queen is a sweet, old lady and I wish her the best. However, we have to learn from history otherwise we will repeat history. Same for Chinese to learn from history.

I did enjoy the opening celebration in the Olympics. It was very entertaining with the rich culture of Britain. The Industrial Revolution innovation developed the advanced weaponry / iron battleship that were used to enforce the opium trade to China. It is a revolution to end all revolutions.

·         There are excuses to the Opium Wars and the United Army of Eight Nations (or Alliance of Eight Nations). The Boxers were rebels to the west and patriotic to most Chinese.

These are the same excuses of how WW2 was started from Japan on China.

·         From Ying.

Just sad and no words can describe how outrageous the barbarians from the west were.

With this kind of grand palace for pleasure including the marble boat, I wonder how the regime could be strong to protect its citizens.

Let's hope that the history will not repeat since problems are over our head again!! Can we ever learn as human?? We always choose destruction to solve our problems. We do not have much left to destroy…

The Old Summer Palace which was built in the 18th and early 19th century was destroyed by British and French troops in 1860. It was almost 5 times the size of the Forbidden City, and 8 times the size of the Vatican City.

There were also a few buildings in Tibetan and Mongol styles, and European-style buildings reflecting the diversity of the Qing Empire. It had hundreds of halls, pavilions, temples, galleries, gardens, lakes, etc. Several famous landscapes of southern China had been reproduced in the Imperial Gardens, hundreds of invaluable Chinese art masterpieces and antiquities were stored in the halls, making the Imperial Gardens one of the largest museums in the world. Some unique copies of literary work and compilations were also stored inside the Imperial Gardens.

It took 3,500 British troops to set the entire place ablaze, taking three days to burn.

Charles George Gordon, a 27-year-old captain in the Royal Engineers wrote: “We went out, and, after pillaging it, burned the whole place, destroying in a vandal-like manner most valuable property which [could] not be replaced for four millions. We got upward of £48 apiece prize money…I have done well. The [local] people are very civil, but I think the grandees hate us, as they must after what we did the Palace. You can scarcely imagine the beauty and magnificence of the places we burnt. It made one’s heart sore to burn them; in fact, these places were so large, and we were so pressed for time, that we could not plunder them carefully. Quantities of gold ornaments were burnt, considered as brass. It was wretchedly demoralizing work for an army.”

Some contemporary Frenchmen, such as Victor Hugo, disapproved of the action; in his "Expédition de Chine", Hugo described the looting as, "'Two robbers breaking into a museum, devastating, looting and burning, leaving laughing hand-in-hand with their bags full of treasures; one of the robbers is called France and the other Britain. In his letter Hugo hoped that one day France would feel guilty and return what it had plundered from China.

·         From DeWang:

Good article. You should keep that around for distribution, because as Samuel Huntington once wrote:

The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion, but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.

History is bound to repeat if present day people do not know the past.

·         Click here for the original article this article is based on.

Nanjing massacre

During WW2 and inspired by its ambitious and wicked emperor, Japanese turned themselves into animals to conquer its neighbors.

Imagine captured young women are forced to be sex slaves for their army. What kind of monster did the Japanese military become? Is it worse than the German crimes of WW2? At least they did not rape openly.

There was a contest in which two Japanese generals competed over how many Chinese heads could be chopped off with their swords. After beheading over a hundred, one competitor said that it was not fair as his blade was dull. They continued the utter madness by restarting the competition all over again! Was there any conscience?
These soldiers are war criminals. They killed innocent people by tossing babies, looting and raping. They killed anyone taking pictures. Many of these criminals are being paid respect by high officials in the 'shrines'. It is as disguising as paying homage to Hitler. These war criminals should be tracked down and executed.

Instead, they bragged about how they raped young girls as described by these soldiers without remorse in the documentary Nanjing, which you can rent from Netflix. Another teenager 'wanted' to be raped to save her grandpa. These war criminals should be tracked down and prosecuted similar to what the Jews are doing to the WW2 war criminals instead of their bragging openly.
I suggest that one of the atomic bombs should have been dropped on the Imperial Palace in Kyoto and the other one on the 'shrine' instead of killing innocent citizens at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Even this punishment would be too small for such crimes. The Tsunami must be formed by the tears of the victims crying for justice into a killer wave. I feel sorry for the current generation who has to suffer and who has nothing to do with WW2.

The ignorant Japanese mayor said Nanjing Massacre never happened. Japanese, young and old, please use Wikipedia and search for 'Nanjing Massacre' or read the late Iris Chang's book which the documentary firm was based on. The government stopped the translation of Chang’s book.

Recently the young major of Osaka said that the comfort women were necessary. How about capture all the women in Osaka and let them be raped by the U.S. soldiers and tell the world it is necessary. I hope he does not represent this generation of youth. He should lose his job after this announcement in a civilized society.

We should not spread hatred especially from one generation to another. However, if we do not learn from history, most likely we will repeat history. I wrote this blog hoping to give a voice to the millions of victims who never have a voice.

My recent thoughts

Even the Japanese officials do not acknowledge that Nanjing massacre exits. I do not think this generation of Japanese have the ability to commit similar crime. It reminds me of the German lady who did not want our tour to visit the concentration camp. She and her counterparts in Japan should not be punished for the crime committed by their parents and grandparents.

Unlike the Jews, Chinese and Koreans have not prosecuted those who committed the war crimes. They will repeat history if they do not learn from history especially when they can get away without punishment. The recent Tsunami could be formed by the fears of the victims. If so, God has the answer already. As one reader agreed with me, ‘forgive’ is the most powerful word in our dictionary. I will forgive them and move on. 


1.       This chapter and the last one illustrate that China is a victim instead of an oppressor to the world as wrongfully depicted by the West.

2.       Japan does not welcome immigrants even they are having serious problems in their aging population. Do they believe other races are inferior or they’re afraid of the revenges from their victims? 

3.       Most Chinese would agree with me. Actually most human beings should. I hope the Japanese especially this generation would find out more about the history not from their distorted text book censored by their government. I hope at least one Japanese would respond to my post. We can never learn if we just sweep any shameful history under the rug.

Let bygones be bygones after we reflect on history. I adore Japanese’s high education, hard work ethics, public behavior (especially on how they react to the disaster), culture and food. I have nothing against a nation but how the war was started, the war criminals and how the Japanese want to ignore history.

4.       The pictures in this link ( are gruesome.

5.       I do not blame some old folks whose families have been killed by Japanese for not buying any Japanese products for life. Again, we should not pass our hatred to the next generation.

6.       They had sex tours for Japanese males to countries in Asia. The Japanese women seem not to object at least openly. Is this part of your shameful culture or better that silence is golden? Wake up and fight for your rights.

I have never met most of the following folks who commented to my post.

7.       Hklcn wrote:

TonyP4 has a right to complain @ any perceived wrong done.

I support TonyP4 point considering the Japanese still maintain that they did nothing wrong. Unlike Germany that's paid perhaps $1 trillion in compensation to holocaust survivors, apologized and built monuments to victims, the Japanese cosseted by the yanks due to anger at the communist victory over the U.S. backed Chiang Kai Shek, U.S. hatred of Communist China and let the Japanese off the hook on all counts.

Those people are still paying homage to their Class A war criminals. Should the Germans worship Hitler, Goebbels?

Justice shows leniency for a contrite person. If Japan doesn't think that it did anything wrong, might it not repeat those actions again?

8.       Steve L:

One thing that I want to point out is that war is a terrible thing that would turn people into more than an animal.

I have been to Poland, Cambodia, Vietnam, France etc. (visiting those they called historical places- in reality, people that should not die there). In particular, I visited the 731 Chemical Unit in Shangtung 12 years ago. Ever since that day, I do not own any Japanese product except now I still have a Sony TV that was 18 years old.

Do you know that the Emperor of Japan was spared from prosecution by General MacArthur as a war criminal on condition that he handed in the secret research papers that they performed in China? That is the reason why Japan and the U.S. are the leading countries in cosmetic surgeries and skin products. So next time, ladies, if you put on your makeup, please consider that the blood of the Chinese people may play part of it to glorify your appearance.

I have this “love hate relationship” of the Japanese people. I guess it is quite difficult to define. I love their patriotism, judo, cleanliness, royalties, but not their savage way towards Chinese.

It is however sad for us that we had a corrupt government (if we had one), and everybody was so selfish and cared only for their wealth (Tony: the poor cannot afford to be nice and patriotic?).

I can never imagine that a troop of 10,000 Japanese marines that can march to Nanking; and 5,000 British marines could march to Beijing during the Opium War (Tony: at the end of Ming, the farmer army marched to Beijing with 1 million soldiers).

Those are the national disgrace that can never, never be repeated. We learned from history, and trust that the leaders will never follow the previous mistakes that we made. Most importantly, it should be PEACE that will harmonize everything.

9.       Hzzz says:

For those who are unsure about the immunity deal between U.S. and Japan after WWII

N. Korea’s missile over Japan

The spoiled, fat kid is not rational. Hence I have no rational answers to the following questions:

1.       Who are the provokers: Group A (N. Korea, China and Russia), Group B (S. Korea, Japan and US), or all of the above.

2.       Does the fat kid know we have missiles that can wipe out N. Korea from the map overnight? He is a paper tiger at best.

3.       What actions should we take? More sanctions, more carriers, missile attacks... No matter what we will not be crazy enough to start a war with N. Korea. Our resources have been tied up in the Middle East. We may not be able to handle China and Russia combined.

4.       Does our missile defense system work? Obviously not this time.

5.       What will China do? China has been the beneficiary of the conflict. Without China, the fat kid will not bark that loud.

Give peace a chance please. At least one tells me that we do have a spoiled, fat man as our president. LOL.

#Filler: iGeneration

Almost everyone has an iPhone. Folks including myself in the lower class of the society carry imitators and/or those 'outdated' iPhones that are several months old.

My grandchild of just over one year old had a good time in playing with the iPad and it usually kept her busy for hours. Before she could say Mom, she said “I” for iPad. During my family gatherings, my cousins communicate with each other via their smart phones even when they sit next to each other. When they do not text messages, they play games with their smart phones.

Even with one pair of eyes and one pair of ears, they can play iPad, listen to iPod and text using iPhone at the same time. Thanks Apple for demonstrating what multi-tasking really is.  Chinese and Indian students are leaving us further behind by spending more time in study. Do you believe those children spending extra 2 hours every day in games would accomplish the same later in life?  Some parents have a hard time to explain to their children that their existence was due to the blackout of the iPad and iPhone caused by the hurricanes.

Presidential election of 2016

I do not like the presidential candidates from both parties. We have to choose the lesser of two devils. I am political neutral and seldom read articles on politics. You may find the following refreshing. Most are my original ideas but they are just common sense.

·        The major problem of our political system is buying votes. The politicians have to satisfy the voters. When 40% of the citizens do not pay Federal income taxes, their requirements will be satisfied first.
·        Most politicians do not tell you how to finance all the freebies such as free tuition. We need to force the government to balance the budget.
·        We have to ensure the campaign promises are fulfilled. We still have the two Middle East wars, not as promised. We should fix our infrastructures and invest with the resources that go to the wars. Being number one is only important to our leaders.
·        Making illegals legal can buy many Hispanic votes. The best idea from the politicians is work visas. When they are legal, it is easy collecting welfare than working on jobs no one want. They will also burden our entitlement systems by bringing their family members in.
·        It is far more effective to punish the employers for hiring illegals than building a wall; you can make a small hole of the wall or build a small tunnel to let the illegals in.
·        The welfare system discourages folks to work. Why you want to give up free medical delivery (in many states) by taking a job?
·        Gun control has not been discussed much. I know it is impractical to enforce it. However, we should not let the guns sold to the mentally retarded, criminals…, especially the semi-automatic weapons. Hope someday we can send our children to school or see a movie without worrying about being shot at. Written on 5/2016.

Links to my blog
Politics and Investing. Some told me it is the most detailed article on this topic.

Politcal convention, a satire. What the government should be.

The US economy as of 2017

After Trump was elected, we have a brief stock market rally. It could be the peak by today (July, 2017). The market is usually ahead of the economy by about 6 months. However, they have been non-correlated since 2009. Let’s examine the US economy briefly here.

Reduction of individual tax and corporate tax
The reduced corporation tax could stimulate the economy and it could lure some corporations to return their HQs to the US. The downside is we need the revenues to finance infrastructure projects.

We have been financed by Chinese via selling our treasuries. China is switching their reserves to the “One Belt, One Road” projects.

Easy money is going away
CEOs should manage their corporations instead of boosting the stock prices via easy financing.

Interest rate will be up
Investors should be careful about the hikes of interest rate. As long as it is 1% or less for 2017, it should have little impact. To illustrate this, if the rate hike is 1%, you lose 10% interest for a 10-year bond. However, you only lose 2% if it is a 2-year bond. With our recent record-high of margin in buying stocks, the market could crash when interest rate surges.

Historically it is about 3% and currently it is about 2%. If your CD returns 1% and inflation is 2%, you lose 1% but you need to pay taxes on interest of a 2% CD. Uncle Sam is always the winner. When too many money are chasing a limited number of goods, we should have higher inflation. 

Bankruptcy & loan delinquencies
Corporations would bankrupt if they cannot pay back the loans or not able to pay lawsuit claims. Personal bankruptcies increase if more small businesses fail. There are two other kind of failing loans: mortgages and autos. Both would depress the economy and the market.

Global economies as of 2016

When I look at the East, Europe is burning. When I look at the West, China is burning. I’m still playing my mandolin (actually not looking at my statements from my broker). The majority of the global economies are connected. When one suffers, the rest suffer too. Let me review some economies briefly.

The U.S.

I have to postpone the secular bull market prediction to 2020 or even later. The market for 2016 is risky. The election year is the second-best year for the market statistically. I do not bet on this one as there are too many negatives. The only bright point is the Fed may postpone interest hike to reduce the risk of this market. In addition, we have produced a lot of jobs for the last four years even their median wage is far lower than the one in 2007.

I bet the market will be correlated with the economy finally next year. They have not correlation since 2009 due to the excessive printing of money. Obama did NOT save the economy as no one can by simply printing money. However, it creates more debts for the next generations to pay.

The tool has been copied all over the world and it is no longer effective. Our strong USD (less as of 5/2016), our huge war expenses, strict regulations, high national debts, generous welfare, taxes and entitlements dampen our competitive edge. The strong USD would reduce the profits of our most global companies. A heavy blow would be legalizing the illegal workers by politicians who want to buy votes.

China is suffering economically. Given enough time, China’s market-driven economy will work. The current downfall drags down many resource-rich countries such as Brazil.  After a taste of capitalism, no Chinese want to return to communism, which discourages folks to work hard – who will when everyone is paid the same?

Chinese are the greatest copycats. If you believe it is that simple to copy, there should be many copycats beside China or the U.S. invites the Chinese to copy. Japan, Korea and even the US (not paying Hitler for using their missile technology…) had been copy-cats at least once in moving to a developed country.

We need to protect our inventions and intellectual properties. I am not convinced they can copy our top-secrets such as the top jet fighter that easy. If they do, there is something wrong with us. Cybersecurity should be our priority for the corporations and the government. When the copycat improves their products and sells them at about ¼ our price, we are hard to compete.

Chinese has been dominated the world in almost everything for the last 20 centuries except the last three. It has saved them a lot by copying and stealing. Today, most of their big projects have a clause to transfer technology. They’re willing to pay handsome fees for technologies they want such as high-speed train from Siemens. Many companies including the U.S. give out the secrets which may be paid in large part by the U.S. tax payers to China for market access. Most of China’s military weapons imports are from Russia and Russia needs the cash to improve their weapons.

Japan is declining due to the ageing population and the poor relationship with China. Contrary to popular belief, India’s demographics do not help. The growing population with a lot of youths is consuming all the resources that are already proportionally small.


It will be hopeless for at least another year. Euro is a good concept especially for tourists. In reality, it does not work. There are too many free loaders such as Greece taking advantage of the unified currency and foreign loans. The influx of Syrian refugees is a big burden. Tens of thousands will help to reduce their labor costs but not a million of refugees. It is hard for the Catholics to co-exist with Protestants (evidenced by Ireland), so I cannot know how the Christians co-exist with the refugees with most are Muslims.

What should we do?

·        Not legalize the illegals.
·        Cut down entitlements.
·        Reduce taxes (both corporate and personal).
·        Reduce the role of the global policeman.
·        Invest in cybersecurity.
·        Think like a terrorist in order to fight terrorism.

The reality

Politicians will stay away from most of “What should we do” as they would hurt election. We have record-high exodus of corporations and the rich due to high taxes.

Today are we threatened by Vietnam of being a communist country? If some country does not like how we treat the minority, should they send soldiers to invade us? If their country men do not want to fight for their freedom, why we risk our young to fight for them?

With the state-of-the-art weapons, we still cannot win in the Middle East wars.  Re-think our options. One option is let them resolve their conflicts.

As of 2/2016, investors should be cautious on the market. However, we may have over-reacted to the problems in China and the falling oil price. Oil is usually in the opposite direction of the economy. However, today it flows in sync with the market due to Saudis and Russia’s dumping of oil via the Sovereign Wealth funds (SWF) to rescue their economies.

The U.S. unemployment is at 5% (virtually full employment from the government’s yardstick) although the median salary is still not comparable to the one in 2007. In 2007, the unemployment is huge. The recession could be spared at least for now as long as the oil price and the unemployment are stable.

Bad business practices

I have so many bad experiences recently. I bet their competitors do the same, so I do not want to show the names of the offending companies if I have an option.

·         My car problem.
I could not take the key from my ignition switch all the time. It is a new car from one of the two major Japanese car manufacturers. They honestly acknowledged it was a common problem for my model. After several unsuccessful fixes and giving me goodies such as free oil change, I called the service manager and yelled at him it was THEIR problem not mine.

Finally, it was fixed with a solenoid costing about $5. What a waste of time, theirs and mine. This customer will not be happy and they still have to spend the $5 plus the oil change and all the free apples I can pocket. I still have not received my customer satisfaction survey.

·         I received a letter from my one of my funds asking me to respond so it will not be treated as an abandoned property. The checks of the dividends and the capital gains must have been cashed by a ghost. I responded by closing the account.

·         I was lured to another cable company for their generous offer. I asked my current cable company to match the same deal and they refused. I switched. Since then and 5 years later, I still received their junk mails offering better offers I cannot ‘refuse’. Cut down many trees in the process.

·         My Sunday paper raised the price to $5. It is a dying industry as I got all my news from TV and the web. I quickly cancelled my subscription. Since then, they have left many messages and sent me junk mails almost once a week. If they did not raise the price, I would have stayed with them. Try to squeeze the last milk from a dying cow.

·         I had a reader telling me to improve my writing style. I asked him whether he followed the book’s technique to accumulate cash before the correction in August, 2015. He did not and he is supposed to be a keen business man. Wrong objective for buying a book on investing!

·         My ‘favorite’ charity called me 8 times for donations. I will not donate via them again. I hate to be disturbed during dinner. So are all the phone calls from politician calling for votes and I do not vote for any of them.

·         My printer needs replacement of inks at least once every 3 months even I seldom use it. Never buy anything from that company.

·         The ‘new and improved’ upright washers are problem-prone. My old ones never need repair for over 10 years. So are Yahoo!’s new ‘improved’ systems. So is Microsoft’s Solitaire – why the ‘improved’ system takes many, many, many times longer to load as they expect players also own Xbox. They all lose contact with their own products/customers or their stupid management tells them to do so. 

·         I want to know how all the three market indexes, oil and gold are doing at least once a day. One major financial web site now ‘hides’ this information in order to show their programmer can do a fancy job without caring what the customer wants. For me, just switch to another web site.

·         I almost missed my connecting flight to Boston in Toronto. First, why I have to clear custom in a foreign country? Second, why the old process took minutes and this one takes almost an hour. The designer must have to change the system so s/he can hire more employees or just had too many drinks during lunch.

·         One luxury hand bag company takes out the logo on their bags which is why their customers pay premium.

·         Volkswagen, Wells-Fargo and Samsung are recent examples. They all want to be number 1 and end up last. The first two can fool us sometimes, but eventually their misbehaviors will come back to harm them.

·         Samsung should have tested their phone longer. Most companies want to rush their products to the market in order to compete without all the testing; what happens to beta test and alpha test that are taught in colleges.

·         Boeing’s 737 Max problem is a typical case of skinning the goose that lays golden eggs to the max (that may be the reason they named it Max). It is clear that the plane was not designed for such heavy engines. Instead of spending the money in research / developing, the greedy management spent the money in buyouts that would boost the stock price and hence their bonuses. They thought the deficits would not show up until they retired with a lot of golden watches. Should these ‘murderers’ be sent to jail?

·         Some generic brands are scarifying qualities for more profits. I gave up my psoriasis shampoo after I found out it was less effective as before. I gave up my razors when the blades fell out consistently now.


Recently there have been a lot of discussions on China’s rapid development, industrialization, increased pollution and destruction of environment such as deforestation.

China, as a developing country, can do so much in protecting the environment. Jobs are more important than the environment, but by now it should be the other way round. China has done its share so far. It is unfair to say China is the world polluter #1 or #2. You need to take out pollution due to the production of goods for export. Then, you calculate the pollution per capita. From this calculation, the U.S. is #1 and China is way, way down. Per capita basis and after deducting pollution due to export, China pollutes less than 1/4 of ours. Here are developments and facts about the environment in China:

·         China is #1 or #2 in most renewable energy such as solar, hydro and wind energy. Actually China has turned itself from nothing to pioneer in many of these areas by heavy investment in research. In most areas, it is the lowest priced producer. It would have benefitted the world more if its products are allowed to compete freely with local products.

·         China is blessed with coal, but lacks oil resource. Coal generates heat via burning the carbon. It can never be clean even with the best technology from the West/U.S., which can improve less carbon monoxide and acid-rain-causing SO2.

·         The better quality of coal is in the north east. Transporting coal from this area to urban cities adds pollution. It is more effective using barges in coastal regions and the cities on the banks of the main rivers such as Yangtze.

The current grid to distribute energy in China is primitive at best. It needs a lot of technology from the West/U.S. plus its own development to exploit and copy / enhance the technology. Grid technology ‘Made in China’ is idealistic, but it is a long way to catch up with the state-of-the-art technology.

·         Hydro and nuclear generators when strategically located would cut down the grid dependency and transportation of coal to certain regions.

A wind farm in Mongolia had been idle for a long while due to it was not connected to the grid. Hope it will not happen again with better planning.

·         China’s nuclear generation program is very aggressive, but it will still be a small percentage of the total output of energy. All use foreign technology. China copied and developed the pebble nuclear technology which is promising for safety / cost but its capacity is very limited. I do not hear much development today.

·         The priority to highways (auto) and some air transportation should take a back seat to public transportation such as buses, trains and high speed rails. The recent cut in gas subsidy is a good measure. China failed to start such a system and discourage citizens from owning cars.

·         How ironic the U.S., the #1 polluter of the world (based on per capita), accuses China, who does not even make to the top 10 worst polluters?

·         China has transformed some semi desert in a very small scale to livable land in the Northwestern China. The big impact will be from the diversion of water from south to north / west. This semi desert will turn to an oasis easier than the real desert.  Will see the cost / benefit and its impact on its neighbors (India and SE Asia) who depend on the water from Tibet.

·         My friend Irene provides the best way to fix the environment. First she lives in a small apartment even though she has millions. Secondly, she uses public transportation to go to work. Thirdly, her well-built car (a Prelude) is over 14 years old.

All our products should be well-built at a reasonably higher price, so they will last longer and are worth the costs to repair them.  Imagine half of the cars junked and the ‘obsolete’ computers and smart phones would not be in our landfills. However, if we are that frugal, we would drive some car companies and components makers in the auto business out-of-business. All remedies have some side effects, but the gains are better than the losses.

My in-law told me the tools passed from his father are still working fine and of top quality even his father paid a higher price. Do you prefer a tool lasting five times and costing double?

China should build the next generation of products based on quality, innovation and durability as it has passed that the cheap and copycat stage of moving to a developed country.


·         As of 8/2012, Fukushima’s nuclear problem actually has helped China:

Fortunately for China, it is on the east coast. Otherwise, there are more problems to China with the radioactivity damages.

It is a wake-up call to China that safety enforcement is important: Better concrete enclosure and better storage of the used fuel.

Less nuclear generators will be on-line in the future, so less competition will be on the nuclear fuels.

Japan will buy a lot of farm products and energy products from China due to the Tsunami.

·         Bill Gates, China and nuclear reactor.

Renewable energy in China:
Pebble reactor:

Labor cost is rising

Rising labor cost is one of the major problems but not the critical one to China. The labor cost is higher than before for sure. A million or so workers in Foxconn get big raises and it will affect the rest of the labor wages. The impacts and the solutions are:

·         Control rising wages.
Higher wages will cause some jobs going to other countries like Vietnam which has already taken some jobs.

·         Develop local market faster when they lose some export market.

·         Move faster to higher-value products as China has been doing.

·         Improve quality.
Making the last quick buck is short-sighted. China has been improving quality. However, China is so big and someone especially the smaller companies are still making a fast buck at the expense of quality. China is learning brand names and protecting their reputation is important. This will make advertising sector beneficial. Eventually the brand names will be spread to exports. Food consumer products and their safety should be in the top priority.

·         Keep the one-child policy to reduce the future number of consumers of their limited resources.
Population growth for China is harmful. I know personally the problems of this policy. However, without it, the country will be tougher facing with less resources / farm land per capita.

It should not take too long for India or other low-wage countries to copy the model of China. So far, there are not too many successful stories. China still offers the best deal besides labor. You need infrastructure, favorable investment conditions, a stable political system, an educated work force and an internal market. Besides labor cost, Vietnam and India have few favorable factors over China.

Will some jobs are coming back to the U.S.? To me, it is an election trick. As stated many times, a $20 per hour wage never competes with a $2 wage. There are some higher-end jobs coming back but they're just a drop in the bucket. The U.S. will NOT gain a lot of jobs. The ‘good’ news of jobs returning back just makes us feel better and in practice it is nothing to be excited. China's eventual loss of some manufacturing jobs will be gained by other low-wage countries.

In addition, the U.S. unions will not allow excessive and flexible over-time, poor work conditions and wages not keeping up with inflation. The government will take away your welfare, housing subsidies, food stamps and the free medical care if you work. They all ‘protect’ the worker except giving the investors incentives to invest locally and create more jobs.  The government discourages the employers / entrepreneurs from hiring more via more regulations and higher taxes. Is it their best way to ‘protect’ the worker?

Political systems and the economy

Our economy is largely controlled by our corrupt and lethargic political system. All political systems have their strengths and weaknesses.

Use China as an example. In principle, Communism solves the class problem and reduces the wealth gap. However, it makes folks lazy and managers bureaucratic as extra effort is not rewarded. The workers do not work diligently as there is just ordinary compensation, as the union labor in the U.S. That’s why today’s China is not run by communists but capitalists.

The differences in political systems
The Maoist1 Communist China allowed folks to have a job just to fulfill the people's needs. Today, the unions make the United States non-competitive in high labor industries, such as clothing and textiles; whereas innovative industries or non-transferrable services thrive here. The unions can only work when the labor market cannot be outsourced such as climbing up the telephone pole.

Socialism is a form of an economic system characterized by social ownership of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy, and a political philosophy advocating such a system. "Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownershipstate ownership, or citizen ownership of equity. For a rich country such as Norway, it works marvelously. For a poorer country such as Greece, it would be disaster in the making and today that disaster turns into a reality.
In modern usage, the word "communism" is still often used to refer to the policies of self-declared socialist governments comprising one-party states which were single legal political party systems operating under centrally planned economies and a state ownership of the means of production, with the state, in turn, claiming that it represented the interests of the working classes
By the beginning of the 21st century, states controlled by communist parties under a single-party system include the People's Republic of ChinaCubaLaosVietnam, and North Korea. Communist parties, or their descendant parties, remain politically important in a number of other countries2
Capitalism3, an economic system, is based on private ownership of the means of production and the creation of goods or services. I cannot classify China in one term. The best I can come to is Capitalism / Dictatorship as it is ruled by a handful of top party leaders. USA is Democratic / Capitalist / Socialist. We have freedom, big corporations and generous welfare.
The high ratios of debt over GNP in most PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Greece and Spain) make them uncompetitive. Those governments need to pay high interest rates on that debt, and hence in theory, a heavy taxation burden. Because of those taxes make your production exports expensive and uncompetitive in the global market where many countries do not have this debt problem.
It seems that the U.S. is following the same path as Greece to self-destruction. But this is mostly due to its irresponsible credit-based consumption and generous welfare.
Changing of political system in China

The last 30 year success in China is due to:

·         The U.S. played the China card against Russia and lifted the trade embargo against China.

·         Deng's reform utilizing designated specific areas as low taxation, special economic zone. It has been done before but never at this scale. It is not possible to modernization the factories and infrastructure to ship the products in a year in the entire country. But, it is possible to limit to a small area especially the one that has a sea port. The first one in South China also takes advantage of the know-how from Hong Kong people and their financial investment.

The political system is as good as how it is administered. Another example is how democratic India is mal governed and remains poor. Democracy is always ideal. I believe democracy needs am educated and wealthier population to be effective. The vote from an uneducated peasant cannot count the same weigh as a sophisticated, educated city dweller.

Do you remember the Peter's Principle? When a successful manager is promoted to another position that he has no experience nor qualified for, he usually performs badly in his new position. Mao is the most representative of this principle as he was unable to transition from a great revolutionary leader to a governing one. To be fair, he is well respected by most Chinese in the Mainland and he contributed a lot to China in his revolutionary days.

 As the late Chinese leader Deng Xiao Ping said, we need some (entrepreneurs and professional managers) to make money and the 1% capitalists are the ones for China and for the U.S. too. We need them to invest more so they can hire more workers.

1 Definitions of Maoism vary. Within the Chinese context, Maoism can refer to Mao's belief in the mobilization of the masses, particularly in large-scale political movements; it can also refer to the egalitarianism that was seen during Mao's era as opposed to the free-market ideology of Deng Xiaoping; some scholars additionally define personality cults and political sloganeering as "Maoist" practices. Contemporary Maoists in China criticize the social inequalities created by a capitalist and 'revisionist' Communist party.

2 The People's Republic of China has reassessed many aspects of the Maoist legacy; it, along with Laos, Vietnam, and, to a lesser degree Cuba, has reduced state control of the economy in order to stimulate growth. Chinese economic reforms started in 1978 under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping; since then, China has managed to bring down the poverty rate from 53% in the Mao era to just 6% in 2001. The People's Republic of China runs Special Economic Zones dedicated to market-oriented enterprise, free from central government control. Several other communist states have also attempted to implement market-based reforms, including Vietnam.

3 Capitalism is based on private ownership of the means of production and the creation of goods or services for profit.


·         From Elliott. Lee Kuan Yew, the former Prime Minister of Singapore said that Western "democracy" would not work in a developing country because of many different ethnic/religious groups. An "iron hand" government is needed to keep people who hate one another from killing one another (like Saddam in Iraq or Tito in Yugoslavia). The other problem for a rapidly growing country using democracy is "stasis". You can't get enough people to do anything, like building a railroad or expressway through private land.
·         The Chinese Communist Party creates jobs to reduce this social unrest. The “tofu” projects are those bridges and roads which collapse in the first year or two of completion due to this negligence, incompetency and corruption.
·         With its substantial foreign reserves, China is in a healthier position relative to most other countries.
·         Many analyses I read on China using western mindsets and free market system are wrong and they may be right when China reaches the same state as the West.

Trade embargo:

Special Economic Zone:

More USD than God

The Chinese central government is rich and can use its wealth to solve a lot of China’s problems and sometimes the world’s problems. It has not asked the world to help its natural disasters like floods and earthquakes. In reality, China has received a lot of offers on foreign aids. Most likely due to a military consideration, China did not accept the help of the U.S. Navy that could help the 2008 Sichuan earthquake with the heavy-duty helicopters that China does not have. From this point of view, accepting fewer donations from foreign countries is a good thing.  However, the average citizen in China is not as rich at $6,000 (or lower depending on which statistics you read) per capita. It is about the same as a middle industrialized country.

The Government invokes an image of being a victim in its public speeches and how it conducts China's foreign policy. Like every government worldwide, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wants to maintain its dynastic rule over its country, spreading its influence abroad.

Here are my random comments about China’s wealth:

·         No 2 in economy does not mean a lot to its citizens in material terms and only has meaning to its trading partners. A greater GDP per capita is what every country should chase for. To me, the average income after purchasing power adjusted is a better measurement. Norway is #1 per capita in its group together with the oil-rich countries. So is the U.S. in its population group.

·         China should compare itself to China 5, 10, 20, or 30 years ago. Comparing itself to a developed country such as USA has no meaning. China never declares officially they want to be #1 though its citizens celebrate its achievements. It is the idea from the media and politicians who have their own agenda.

For the same reason, China should not compare itself to the lower Indian standards as we should improve.

·         China will not gain real respect for solely being wealthy, but on how she deals with the world problems, potential wars, and how her citizens behave. Even the patents. Corporate secrets and military secrets are stolen by China (many countries including the USA had stolen secrets before), the U.S. and the West should not treat China as an enemy. When they do so, China will become an enemy.

·         The GNP (some distinction from GDP) even adjusted for purchase power is not meaningful in many cases, but we cannot find a better benchmark. Even with far less income, the farmer could live a healthier and less stressful life than the city dweller. We should add a happy meter and a health meter for measuring how their citizens are doing beside wages.

·         Hong Kong has one of the top GNP per capita in the world. However life may not be that better there because of its high housing expenses, pollution and temptations for being rich (such as mistresses in China). Many would prefer the old days when life was simpler and happier though we did not have many fancy toys and food (most are tasty but not healthy). We need progress but progress also brings in problems that we are not equipped to fix.

·         China will discover more new drugs in the future due to their investment in research and the ease to market a new drug compared to the U.S. and the West. Jealousy is emphasized by the press and the politicians. Is it important: When you need a drug to cure your life-threatening disease, do you care where it comes from? So being #1 is only in the mind of politicians, not in the mind of an average global citizen. A strong China is good for the world.



On Nice attack

Newton's Law: For every action (bombing the Middle East), there is a reaction (terrorist attacks with low tech.). Now, the reverse is true. It seems I'm watching a Kung Fu movie with the endless revenges. Newton covered more than physics.

We have been misinterpreting the teachings in the holy books. Are all religions supposed to teach us not to kill? Fighting has been for centuries between Christians and Muslims. One should not be affected if s/he is neither a Christian nor a Muslim but not in the cruel reality.

We've been dragged to their conflicts by Israel who controls our Congress by giving them money. Does the Bible predict Israel will be surrounded by enemies? If so, we should isolate their conflicts by not participating.

When the US sent soldiers to the Middle East, I was among the 30% minority to oppose it. The young are sent to the front line. Most National Guards treat them as good exercises and chances of playing some 'toys'. They should enjoy the best time of their lives in college instead of being sent back in body bags. Most do not understand the conflicts and the geography.

If we sent the children of our leaders to the front line to fight, there will not be any one sent to the front line for this war. Being number one is for the quest for power by our leaders, not for the common citizens.

Although the stock market is good now, the economy is not especially for the long term. It will take more than one generation to pay back the non-productive expenses for the wars. That's why many college graduates are still working for jobs that they do not have to go to college for.

If they do not want to fight for their freedom, why should we do it for them? Are we suckers?

Our leaders, the Christians, the Muslims, most citizens from Middle East, the 1%ers… most likely do not agree with my observations. However, we do not have to agree with each other in order to be peaceful. “Forgiveness” is the most powerful word in any language. Give peace a chance, please!

To some, this article should not be included in a book on investing.