Sunday, April 18, 2021

Current comments on China vs US

The world-class corporation

Our CEO wanted us to be world-class workers. When we travel, can we travel first class?


Rich folks do not have a life

At least, it is true for most rich folks I know. During business meetings, they eat expensive but unhealthy food and drink too much. Most do not live long and have a happy family life. Does it make sense in working so hard and taking so much risk at the expense of your happiness and health?


Breakdown the cost

The following is my estimate for a $100 device made in China. I estimate the cost is $20, while the $80 is pocketed by the designer, the retailer, the middle man and other charges such as shipping; most are from U.S. There is a good chance half of the components are not made in China.


China’s GPS

The U.S. ordered some as a supplement to their own GPS. How ironic!


Biden’s infrastructure projects

Our recent biggest projects are the Big Dig in Boston and the high-speed rail in California. Both are over-budgeted (many times), long-delayed and having all kinds of construction problems (safety problem for the Big Dig). If we hired Chinese, the projects would be completed less than the budget and sooner than the projected completion time. We can’t due to our political reason. Beijing has the second top-rated airport and the last one was built for the Olympics. Our airports, roads and bridges desperately need maintenance and rebuilt. So are our electricity system (Texas woke us up), drink water and many basic systems. It must be a joke to build our own “One Belt, One Road” projects for other countries.


The infrastructure projects are all needed, and I hope they will be successful, bet unfortunately they will fail. I estimate most projects will be outsourced. Most government workers work 2 hours a day (from my own actual experience). We can cut down 80% of the government and 50% of our defense expenditures to fund these projects. Printing USD excessively could lead to a long-term depression that Biden may not care for long term.


China used to import more chips than oil. The banning of our chips to China triggers China to invest a lot on chips. Does it make sense to ease the export than increasing the subsidies to match China’s subsidies on chips?


Our allies

Germany and most EU countries are furious on our sanction on the second gas pipe from Russia. Most likely we will let it go and at the same time cut down our support to NATO.


Japan is dumping radiated water to ocean

I do not eat any sea food from Japan since the accident. Most likely in 10 years, we will be careful from the sea food caught in the Pacific. U.S. and the west have been silent. Most likely it is your first time to know about this. Google it please. If China did this, they would make it headlines and we would send united forced to invade China. Another double standard!


It is not the first time (1923).  At that time, the rumor of looting killed about 5,000 (about 230 officially) Korean migrants and more than 200 volunteers from China (who donated a lot of money too) to help them with the disaster. History must be learned.



Will Boeing survive without orders from China? They will with a lot of subsidies and bailout from the government.


Eligible for the vaccines

Many young folks declare they are fat in order to qualify for the vaccines. Are we living in a truly honest society or most of the youths are fat?


For the similar reason, I do not want to promote this book. It would make if not already has made a lot of folks upset by me telling the truth. I have been wasting my time in writing this book.



During April, 2021, we can see both Chinese and U.S. carriers in South China Sea. It has no comparison in almost every category. Chinese have a tough time to fly the jets from their carriers at night, and they have no war experience. However, both could be coffins or sitting ducks at sea.


U.S. had many war simulations on invading China for at least the last 10 years. They always said China was very competitive. How could it be when China did not have their own GPS a year ago? It could be the agenda of the navy and the defense contractors wanting my funding.


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