Friday, November 15, 2013

More on Republican Convention

·         Most political pitches are followed by this line “This message is approved (or paid for) by so-and-so”. Do you know how much all this extra line cost? For this year alone they would cost more than the entire research budget for prostate cancer for the entire year from my rough estimate. It also wastes our precious time.

·         The rules in election funding have to be re-written. It is a way to buy votes. The TV ads of politicians accusing each other do not gain us any respect for all politicians or does not give us any reason to vote except to vote for the less of the two evils. They challenge our intelligence.

·         I vote not to vote for the guys who call me to support him/her during my dinners. All the residents in those deciding states must agree with me whole-heartedly. Take your phones off the hook for that week or do not vote for the guy who calls you.

·         I am politically neutral. I make fun of the leaders of both major parties. If you’re not, you’re naturally biased and you cannot think independently.

Some of the following comments are enhanced and incorporated into the previous chapter, so there is nothing wrong with your eyes in seeing double.

·         We should have a ballot for what % to be spent on certain area such as welfare, health care, education, war... Most likely everyone except Bush wants to spend 0% on war. We can start with the averages from the developed countries.

·         As a joke, we should have an IQ meter and your tax return from last year at the voting booth. You cannot vote with an IQ lower than a specific score such as Sarah’s. So stupid folks cannot vote. If you do not pay taxes, are free loader or able, long-term welfare recipients, a murderer, or being a teenager mother (basically a loser), you cannot vote. I call it representation with taxation.

·         Betrayed?
We have been betrayed by our leaders. Even with constant shootings, gun control has not been discussed in the last presidential debates. The candidates must be counting the campaign money from the special-interest groups with blood dripping from their filthy hands. All the mourning will do us no good, but enforce gun control especially those with weapons with fast loading magazines and help the mentally ills NOW.

We cannot change the law overnight, but we've to start in taking some small steps such as limiting some weapons and the automatic magazines and more serious background checking.

In addition, the parents should do their part: Limit your children time in playing violent video games, watching violent movies and get help on any mentally-challenged children. 

We’re the only developed country that allows its citizens to bear arms. It was practical in the wild, wild West days, but not now any more. Should we fix our house first before we accuse other countries on human rights?

·         A joke: Do you trust our politicians more than the prostitutes?

No matter whether it is East or West, prostitutes are more trustworthy than politicians.

Prostitutes provide a basic human service (after food and shelter), especially in Chinese society where there is a big gender imbalance. Politicians do not.

The entertainment value has no match.

Both lie and tell you what you want to hear. Prostitutes sooth your body and inflates your ego, while you the politicians make you stupid and rob your money.

Prostitutes work hard for your money, while politicians cheat hard for your money.

Both work for cash only and usually under the table.

Viagra is a wonderful product that opens up new market for older clients to prostitutes. It makes them fully employed, a deed that our politicians fail to accomplish.

Why one professional is legal and the other one is not? The legal status should be switched.

The above is from my observation, and not from my personal experience J

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